Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Final Day Six

The weather was beautiful today. We drove to Destruction Bay (named because of the wind). A gentlemen there told us they have GIANT mosquitoes in the bush. The road was good, then we headed for the Alaskan border. There were huge frost heaves and we felt like we had been on a roller coaster for hours. The border was so slow and quiet, the agent talked to us for 10 minutes.

We headed for Tok and then more mountains. We saw a sled dog team and two herd of reindeer. Then more mountains and the last 150 miles were on a very narrow two lane road through huge mountains. We were so exhausted and thought they would never end.

However, as all good things come to an end, we arrived in Anchorage safe and sound, if somewhat bleary eyed.

We are staying in a beautiful home - wierd living in someone else's home - but we are keeping a positive attitude.

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